Is Frequent Farting a Cry for Help from the Liver? Doctor Hints: People with Frequent Farting Usually Have These 3 Habits

Eating grains is a natural part of human diet, so passing gas is inevitable. When we eat, the normal flora in the digestive tract produces gas due to the digestion process. This gas moves downward with intestinal peristalsis and is expelled through the anus. As long as the intestines keep moving, farting continues. Thus, farting is an unavoidable physiological phenomenon. However, there isn’t a standard definition for the normal amount of farts a person should have daily. According to some sources, a normal person farts 10 to 15 times a day, amounting to about 500 milliliters of gas, some of which might escape unknowingly while you sleep.
Some say frequent farting is a sign of liver problems, but is this true? Could liver issues cause frequent farting? Typically, frequent farting is more related to gastrointestinal issues, but there’s a connection between the liver and the gastrointestinal tract. When liver function declines, it can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, potentially leading to increased gas. The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body. Frequent farting could be caused by gastritis, gastric ulcers, or dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the accumulation of metabolic waste, affecting digestion and absorption, and causing abdominal water retention. Eating gas-inducing or cold stimulating foods can cause increased farting, especially in liver disease patients. But don’t jump to conclusions, as other causes for increased farting should be ruled out. Pay particular attention if you have these 3 habits:
Frequent Farting Sign of Liver Issues? Individuals with Frequent Farting Usually Have These 3 Habits:
- Excessive consumption of starchy foods: Frequent farting is often related to the type of food consumed. Foods like potatoes, wheat, and oats are rich in starch and carbohydrates. Consuming too much of these can produce a lot of gas, leading to frequent farting. Foods like soy milk and cow’s milk also tend to cause increased gas, but this can be alleviated by improving dietary structure.
- Poor eating habits: Some people eat too quickly, which is harmful to the body as it can cause a lot of air to be swallowed. While some of the air is expelled through the lungs, excessive air can cause increased farting. Hence, it’s advisable to chew food slowly.
- Gastrointestinal issues: If there are existing gastrointestinal issues, food may not be digested and absorbed properly, creating extra gas which is expelled as farts.
Symptoms of Liver Issues:
- Fatigue: Fatigue might be overlooked but should be taken seriously. Individuals with liver issues might have damaged liver cells, elevated serum transaminase, and reduced cholinesterase, causing tiredness and sleepiness.
- Menstrual irregularities: Liver issues can cause menstrual irregularities, affecting the menstrual cycle. Insufficient liver blood can affect flow, and in severe cases, cause amenorrhea.
- Yellow complexion: The liver corresponds to wood in traditional medicine. Overwhelming liver qi can cause liver qi stagnation, resulting in a yellow complexion. Excessive bilirubin secretion due to liver qi stagnation can also cause jaundice, leading to a sallow appearance.
Liver Protection Tips:
- Dietary Practices: The liver is a vital metabolic organ, especially for lipid metabolism. Consuming greasy food or excessive alcohol can overburden the liver. Hence, it’s advisable to maintain a light diet and avoid overeating and excessive drinking.
- Physical Exercise: Active, moderate exercise can enhance metabolism, boost immunity, and support liver metabolic functions. Regular jogging, yoga, and walking are good options.
- Regular Life Routine: Some enzymes in the liver are more metabolically active at night; hence, staying up late can affect liver metabolism and detoxification functions. It’s essential to maintain a regular life routine and develop a good biological clock.
- Tea Beverage: Jujube Goji Astragalus Tea:
- Ingredients: 30g red dates, 20g goji berries, 15g astragalus.
- Method: Clean astragalus and red dates, boil them in water, then simmer for 10 minutes. Add goji berries and boil for about 2 minutes. Filter and serve.
- Benefits: Goji berries nourish the liver, promote blood circulation, and moisturize the lungs. Astragalus is sweet and can replenish qi, activate blood, nourish the face, accelerate sugar metabolism and fat breakdown. Red dates replenish qi, promote blood circulation, and nourish the heart. Regular consumption of this tea can maintain vitality and enhance immunity.